

Abortion is a decision that faces many women around the world every day. Abortion is the act of terminating an embryo if the mother chooses to do so. Women make this choice for a variety of reasons, whether it be that their baby won't be healthy and the quality of life for their child will be poor, or for personal reasons, such as depression, drug addiction, pregnancy by rape, or financial security. There are two major sides to the debate over abortion, pro life and pro choice.

The PH Party stands for pro choice and believes that it's the mother's decision whether to deliver her baby or not. It's an ethical decision all mother's make, whether to continue a pregnancy, keep the baby or give it up for adoption, or terminate the pregnancy. It should always be left up to the mother, and definately not a government decision, because it's her body, her baby, and her choice, and who are we to take that away from her? Women's rights should be equal as well, in the pursuit of happiness.
                                                             Same-sex Marriage
            A lot of people say that yes, gay people should have rights to jobs and should'nt be discriminated against, but then the topic falls on marriage and they stop cold. About 70% of americans are against same sex marriage. even though they say gays deserve equal rights. because of this around 70% of gays themselves commit suicide.
       The PH party believes that all people deserve equal rights in everything, which does include marriage. Gays, straights, homosexuals and anyone else all deserve to be happy.
if we eliminate this descrimination then gays will feel more comfortable being themselves.
                                                         Racial Profiling
                              One moral issue that affects many Americans is racial profiling. Racial profiling is any police-initated action that relies on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than the behavior of an individual or information that leads the police to a specific individual who has been identified as being, or having been, engaged in criminal activity. With racial profiling their is no suspicion or reason to believe that these people have committed or are attempting to commit a crime and the judgement is based primarily on their appearance, language, clothing, etc. Law enforcement officials have used racial profiling in the past at places such as airports to protect against terrorism attacks and they mainly target those who appear to be from middle eastern countries, a region that primarily practices the Muslim religion, and at the same time lets the typical white male pass freely.

We believe that this is discrimination and strongly feel that racial profiling is unconstitutional. The fourth amendment guarantees the right to be safe from unreasonable search and seizure without probable cause. Racial profiling violates the constitution in this aspect, and again in the fourteenth amendment which states in the Equal Protection Clause that all races are equal and no person or group of people can be discriminated against because of their race, ethncity, appearance, language, national origin, etc. The PH Party is determined to construct new guidelines for security and law enforcement training that emphasizes how not only is racial profiling wrong, but also how it is not as effective as most people believe, and that there is absolutely no place for racism and discrimination in law enforcement. We will strive for this because as Americans, we have a duty to protect our rights and the rights of others, no matter what race, religion, or ethnicity we are, and because equality is crucial in the pursuit of happiness
                                                         Don't Ask Don't Tell.
     Don't ask don't tell is a policy in the military where they cannot except openly lesbian, gay or homosexual people into the army. The policy also states that when you are in the in the U.S. armed forces, homosexuals, and bisexuals cannot talk about their sexual orientation while they are serving and no homosexual  relationships can be talked about at all.
         The "Don't ask" part states that no army official will investigate into peoples sexual orientation, unless behavior suggests the person is a homosexual.
    we think this policy should be banned. Your sexual orientation has nothing to do with the way you perform in the army; gays and lesbians work just as hard as straight people. Maybe they even work harder just to prove they are equals.  There are gays working in the army without coming out, but if they were to come out, the job they do would not be effected.
     This policy is a huge part of discrimination against G,L,H,B people. A discrimination that needs to stop.
                        The issue that are great nation faces to day is nutrition. Lots of Americans do not eat healthy at all. Some of the reason they don't comes from parents. Parents that are on their way to work, don't usually think aobut eating a good breakfast or drinking juice or water in the mornings. Lots of people are too busy in the morning to get up early enough to make a nutritional breakfast, and are too tired when they get home from work to make a good, healthy meal. Most people that experience this daily routine rely on fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King, Culvers, etc. to get their food quickly, cheaply, and efficiently. Unfortunately, it's low in nutritional value. That's where the medical problems such as obesity come in.

                              The PH Party plans to stop the bad eating habits that lead to the rising rate of obesity and other nutrition-related illnesses in America by getting more healthy options installed in schools, businesses, and factories. We would plan to spend money encouraging a wellness program in schools and also encourage, if climate-permitting, school gardens, to cut cost and ensure that children have fresh, healthy foods to eat year round. Rewards would also be given to businesses with company gardens, and we'd promote locally grown foods and restaurants that also encourage healthy eating.

we are against the war in iraq. This is what they do to children